How Dangerous Is It to Skip Regular Workouts?
It’s often hard to keep up with a demanding life and still find time to work out. You may be wondering what will happen if you stop doing regular workouts. This is a common question. Unfortunately, there are negative consequences to not exercising anymore. So the answer, more accurately, becomes a matter of what you’ll…
Easy Ways to Cut Calories Every Day
If your goal is to lose weight rapidly, then it’s crucial to control your calories. The success of your weight loss journey depends on your ability to cut calories on a daily basis. Luckily, it’s not difficult to cut calories from your daily meals! Try these easy strategies to cut calories, one meal at a…
How to Look Skinnier Without Losing Weight
Did you know that you could look skinnier without losing any weight? While you’re waiting to see results from diet and exercise, there are ways to slim down instantly. Try these tips for your wardrobe, hair, face, body, and mind. Wardrobe Tips for Looking Thinner: 1. Wear one color at a time. Wearing a single…
The Portion Control Solution for Dieters Who’ve Tried It All
Restaurants and grocery stores are dishing up bigger portions today. That’s one reason why you may be eating more than you realize if you’re looking up single servings on standard calorie charts. In fact, those super-sized muffins and burgers are encouraging you to eat more. Studies show that we tend to help ourselves to extra…
Get Rid of Environmental Triggers that Make You Gain Weight
Do you sometimes feel like external events are interfering with your diet? Maybe you automatically buy a soda and popcorn at the movie theater even though you just ate dinner an hour ago. Discover the environmental triggers that make you want to eat, and learn to overcome them. Managing Social Triggers 1. Prepare for the…
What Every Baby Boomer Ought to Know about Fitness Centers
Visiting a fitness center can be intimidating. You find yourself surrounded by people years younger than you and wonder about which exercise equipment you can use safely. However, as the baby boom population ages, more facilities are catering to an older crowd. If you’re ready to sign up for a gym membership, try these tips…
Are These 6 Beliefs Keeping You From Attaining the Body You Desire?
Everyone has certain beliefs and habits that dictate their behavior. Unfortunately, many of these beliefs can keep us from the very things we desire the most. This seems to be especially true when it comes to diet and exercise. Beliefs that prevent us from even getting started are common as well. It’s especially unfortunate in…
Excellent Tips to Get Back Into Shape After Thanksgiving
It’s here again – the time of year when all your diet and fitness regimens are put aside for the sake of enjoying food, fun, and fellowship with your loved ones. After all the celebration and enjoyment is done, however, you’d be surprised how quickly all the hard work you put in to stay in…
New Fitness Trends That Will Surprise You
If you’re trying to keep up with the latest fitness trends, then you may feel overwhelmed. It’s not easy to track all of the hottest fads in the exercise industry, but the following trends are worth following. The latest fitness trends may even give you a whole new way to look at exercise: 1. Aerial…
Healthy Living Strategies for a Better Life
Have you resolved to live a healthier lifestyle? There are a hundred reasons why you might want to make the switch, and probably even more why you might revert back to your old habits, too! With this said, changing your lifestyle is easier said than done. Even though many of us intend to be healthier,…